L'île aux iguanes
The perfect gateway for lovers
The crystalline water, the golden sand and some coconut palms form a real postcard scenery. We enjoy this little piece of heaven in the middle of the Caribbean sea, just the two of us, far from the reality.

We were walking in the streets of Trinidad when we ran into a travel agency which offered a lot of excursions of that type on the islands around here. We choose to book this one for the following day. We had to show up at the port at 8.00 am in the morning. The excursion lasted the whole day from the morning until the late afternoon and included everything : drinks, lunch and catamaran. The price was 45 CUC per person.
You'll quickly understand where does the name Cayo Iguanas (which means Iguanas Island) comes from... These little critters invaded the territory !

Palm trees, white sand and iguanas are the only things we find on this peace of heaven.
Early in the morning, we got on a big catamaran with a group of about twenty people. We sailed for two hours before reaching the place. It is under the sun and in music that make the journey, relaxing us on the giant nets in front of the boat. The sun was really hot that day, and we were all already burned when we got off the boat.
Few meters away from there, we stopped on the water to do some snorkeling during an half-hour. We all jumped into the sea with our goggles and masks to observe the unbelievable underwater life. We swam between corals passing by colorful fishes, trying to avoid the jellyfishes.
Then, we arrived at the island and we met its inhabitants : these "small" creatures were waiting for us. We're enjoying a good paella made by the chef while they're running around our feet, searching for pieces of food.
We left the island around 3.00 pm to get back to Trinidad around 5.00 pm.

C'est sous les rugissements des vieilles voitures américaines que l'on explorait les vieux quartiers de La Havane, tout en se perdant aux coins de jolies rues colorées et en écoutant les chants des musiciens de rues.
Juin 2018
Découvrir ce petit village fût comme un bond dans le passé, au temps où les gens avaient des chevaux à la place des voitures et où le wifi n'avait pas sa place. Une nuit à la belle étoile sur les hauteurs de Vinales.
Juin 2018
Situé sur la route entre La Havane et Vinales, le petit village de Soroa cache un petit trésor ; une belle cascade au beau milieu de nulle part.