Ile d'Holbox
- QUINTANA ROO, mexico -
© Etudiante Vagabonde. Photo : Holbox
From Bacalar, we took two different night buses to get to Chiquila and then a ferry boat to the island. Night buses are a great way to gain time and saving money; you have your day free and you don't spend money for hotels.
At the port of Holbox, we're immediately welcomed by several golf cars taxis. We take one to our Airbnb called "Casa Las Sirenas". Due to the rain in the recent days, the streets were inundated by water and it was almost impossible to walk having the feet wet.
Before going to Holbox, be aware that the ATMs are not something we can count on in Holbox, so bring enough cash because the credit card is not used there.
During the rainy season, some boots will be helpfull !
There is one ferry per hour leaving Chiquila and Holbox from 6.00 am to 8.00 pm. The journey lasts about 30 minutes.
The round trip costs $280MX.
We stayed two nights on the island. The first day we walked around the city center and we discovered the amazing beach bordering the village. Inside the streets, the walls were covered by colorful paints. I really liked the main square, with big paints and playground for young people.
A lot of small boats were moored along the sand, where a lot of birds perched on to observe their preys in the water. We admired the fly of the pelicans and we heard the call of gulls, bathing our feet in the sea. Playing with the gulls was our favorite pastime.
Vie nocturne
Holbox is a small town but it doesn't mean boring. When the sun starts to go down, the bars light up along the beach and the musicians get their guitars out.
We spent our first morning walking around the island, trying to escape all the tourism. Following the sand even further until we found a quiet spot, with amazing water.
Pêche de requins
We ran into a group of fishermen who were gutting some fresh sharks they had just fished earlier in the morning. One thousands birds were flying around trying to catch a piece of fresh fish, it was really spectacular !
Tour des îles
The next morning we took part on a boat tour around the island of Holbox. The first stop was a half hour to turn around the Pasion Island and go up the mirador to admire the see from above. Then we head to another small island which hosts a wide range of bird species. We couldn't walk on the ground but admire it from another wooden mirador. We observed flamingos, pelicans, seagulls, herons and others that I couldn't tell the name. It was impressive.
The last stop was at a cenote, near Chiquila. I was quiet disappointed in this one; a lot of people were in there and the water was really dark so we just sat at the restaurant and enjoy fresh beers.
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