Coup de coeur pour Trinidad
Le centre ville

We go out to visit the city at the end of the morning, wandering around the various art galleries. We sit in different bars with folk decorations, always following the soccer matches very closely (it was July 2018). Many groups of musicians are present to liven up the streets and make the passers-by dance. The income of Cubans comes essentially from the tourism, indeed we are constantly requested by local people who are trying to sell us an accommodation or a ride in taxi collectivo. Cubans are really kind and sometimes they are just trying to be nice indeed, but unfortunately most of the time we feel a strong interest of them for our money and we don't feel comfortable talking with them.

À savoir
Our casa was about 5 minutes' walk from the main squares of the city. We paid 10 CUC the night and we had a breakfast for 3 CUC every morning.
The taxis collectivo to get everywhere leave from the Plaza Carillo. The ride until Playa Ancon can be negotiated until 4-5 CUC but for the way back it's harder because you'll fid less drivers.
Plage Ancon
A good point in Trinidad is that you can access a wide range of landscapes ; for the nature lovers there is the big natural parc Topes Collantes just few kilometers aways and for the water lovers there is an amazing beach five minutes away by car. This beach is called Playa Ancon.
We went there in the afternoon of a weekend so it was slightly crowded. Indeed during the weekend, the Cuban families are going to the beach to relax.
Parc El Cubano
On the main squares of Trinidad, local people are selling their tour to different excursions. One of them is an excursion to a waterfall inside the Park "El Cubano", which is around four kilometers from the city. Unfortunately they offer the ride on horses in very bad conditions; they are under a hot sun and they are really tired. Also, the carriage was really uncomfortable, due to a lot of rains the days before, the path was very muddy and we almost fell few times. I would not recommend to go there by horses but preferably with a taxi or on foot.
Concerning the waterfall, it was a really good surprise. It was a natural pool in which the water throws itself from 10 meters above, surrounding by rocks. We arrived around 10.00 in the morning which is the hour when people start to come and we were among the first ones on the site. We could take a bath quietly and take some photos before the massive tourists arrival. The water was not so hot but after swimming a while you get used to it. There is also a "jumping point" on the rocks around the natural pool from about 5 meters.

This picture on the left was taken during the ride and shows the entrance of the Valle Del Indio (Indian Valley), which is really beautiful place just after leaving Trinidad in the direction of the parc El Cubano.
C'est sous les rugissements des vieilles voitures américaines que l'on explorait les vieux quartiers de La Havane, tout en se perdant aux coins de jolies rues colorées et en écoutant les chants des musiciens de rues.
Juin 2018
Découvrir ce petit village fût comme un bond dans le passé, au temps où les gens avaient des chevaux à la place des voitures et où le wifi n'avait pas sa place. Une nuit à la belle étoile sur les hauteurs de Vinales.
Juin 2018
Situé sur la route entre La Havane et Vinales, le petit village de Soroa cache un petit trésor ; une belle cascade au beau milieu de nulle part.